Our Recruiters

Internship & Placement Recruiters

Over 50,000 Students have been Placed Till Now

In today’s world, it has become important for students to be highly skilled so that they are easily employable. DPMI is one-of-a-kind institute that produces finest professionals who definitely attract illustrious recruiters from across the globe and are likely to be absorbed in lucrative positions in different organizations. We have successfully placed more than 50,000 students in renowned organizations across different sectors.

DPMI has a highly qualified & motivated team of experts who are dedicated and thrive on providing assistance to all the students for job placements. The team has a strong network that connects students to the top hospitals, hotels, media channels, and other recruiters. Our alumni of students are exemplary as they hold important positions in the industry. The alumni meet provides a great platform for students to connect with each others and learn about everything they need to progress in their respective fields

Placement Record 2010

Placement Record 2011

Placement Record 2012

Placement Record 2013

Placement Record 2014

Placement Record 2015

Placement Record 2016

Placement Record 2017

Placement Record 2018

Placement Record 2019

Placement Record 2020

Placement Record 2021

Placement Record 2022

Placement Record 2023